10/25/2011 -- New promo trailer for The Highwayman is up on the video page. Still a way to go before our final trailer after we have all the footage, but check it out!
4/15/2011 -- Crazy busy around here. Scheduling to shoot the rest of the movie in July. Have July 11 & 12th and 18 & 19th set at Boettcher Mansion to finish tavern scenes.
Working on rest of schedule. Love all y'all. More soon.
2/1/2011 -- We are preparing for the 2011 shoots for The Highwayman. We hope to have all scenes in the can before the end summer. We are doing a last call for
Extras for the remaining tavern scenes: extras.html
12/31/2010 -- Darlene Cypser, the writer and producer of The Highwayman, has published a book set in Yorkshire, England in 1871. It is a story about young Sherlock Holmes, his romance with Violet Rushdale,
his conflict with his father and his tutor, and the tragedy that would lead him to become a detective. The Crack in the Lens is currently
available on Amazon.com and coming soon to other stores. More information about the book, include excerpts can be found at the book's website: www.thecrackinthelens.com
12/14/2010 -- We are happy to announce that actor Michael Kempton is back from Iraq. Our other actors have been involved in many exciting film and theater projects recently. We are currently looking to
shoot the remainder of The Highwayman sometime in February and March. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you all!
8/16/2010 -- Watch a behind-the-scenes clip from the tavern fight on the video page: hvideo.html
8/8/2010 -- We had two great days of filming at Hildebrand Ranch and three great days shooting at Boettcher Mansion. We have thousands of pictures thanks to Alan Shaklee who is shooting
behind-the-scenes stills and video footage. We have a sampling uploaded to the website. Be sure to check them out:
Both those shoots involved the first exterior shots since principal photography began and the cast and crew endured scorching heat and torrential rains. But they were all troopers! We did daytime, evening and night shots.
One problem with shooting night shots in the summer is the night is not very long and sometimes the shoots are longer. Some of us did not get home until dawn on July 29th.
We are passed the halfway point in principal production. We now have over half the footage for The Highwayman "in the can" (or more literally today "in the harddrive"). That is a great achievement but it also comes with
a greater risk of continuity errors. So far we have been dependent on our memories and the photos taken to avoid inconsistencies but as the body of footage shot increases there is more to remember and review and the task
is becoming impossible without a script supervisor dedicated to that task. Trygve and I have decided that the best way to make that task manageable is to create the rough cut of the movie and have it available on set. So we
are about to begin that task.
Our experience shooting some footage with a horse on the 28th was educational. It taught us that we are going to have to revise how we shoot the highwayman scenes. I've discussed those revisions with Macleish and will be
having ongoing discussions about that with Trygve, Nancy and our horse contact in Byers.
In late May I said that we needed to shoot 15 of the 20 days remaining in June, July and August. The reason for that was that Macleish Day had announced that he was moving to Los Angeles to attend the Lee Strasberg Institute
in September and Tim Englert was getting married and moving to Texas. We were attempting to shoot all their scenes. Due to delays in negotiating with locations (including the loss of one day each at two locations)
and conflicts (Asgard shot Chris Atkin's "Man with the Child in His Eyes" with the RED camera between the June cottage shoots and the July shoots) we were not able to shoot as many days at we hoped in June and July.
Additional conflicts, including the revision of Macleish's move date to August 15th, the need for a few more locations and the need to revise the schedule for the horse scenes, have made it clear than we will not
be able to shoot in August. We are currently aiming at picking up again in September. Both Tim and Macleish are willing to work with us on scheduling and will return to Colorado given sufficient notice.
7/20/2010 -- Filming farm scenes at Hildebrand Ranch at the Denver Botanical Gardens at Chatfield. Pictures soon.
7/2/2010 -- New production stills are up from the cottage scenes. We captured some fabulous footage.
6/22/2010 -- Finalizing plans to shoot farm exteriors on July 19 & 20 and tavern interiors and exteriors July 26, 27, and 28th.
6/9/2010 -- We are shooting the cottage interior scenes at Asgard's studio on June 28th and 29th. Working on scheduling the tavern scenes and the cottage and farm exteriors between July 19 and 29th.
5/26/2010 -- We need to shoot at least 15 of the remaining 20 days in our shooting schedule in June, July and August. We ask all cast members who have set up
Google calendars and shared them with us (Nancy & I) to please update them. (Any crew may do this as well.) We ask everyone else to e-mail Nancy with any conflicts they
have during those three months. I have been contacting the locations for their schedules and I need to arrange for horses, wagons and carriages. I hope we can compile enough
information in the next ten days to lock down a schedule soon. Thank you for your assistance.
4/30/2010 -- Updates soon. I just wanted to express our thanks to the extras who braved the snow on April 23rd for the shoot in Louviers and share a note from Rod Greiner
of the Zang Mansion: " Your group were very thoughtful, careful and respectful of the ZANG. Thank you!!"
4/8/2010 -- We will be filming Scene 58 ("the Conspirators") on April 25th and 26th at the Zang Mansion in Denver plus a few extra close up shots of
Michael Kempton as John Thompkins (because Michael will be out of the country for a while). Featured in that scene will be: T. David Rutherford
as Magistrate Quentin, Tom Doyle as Jake Hynes, Andy Hankins as Matthew Berkshire, Steve Austin as Tom Lindsay, Michael Kempton as John
Thompins, John Arthur Neal as Samual Wilfram.
We will be filming Scene 16 (flashback to Sir Malcolm's trial) on April 23rd. This scene will feature Macleish Day as Sir Malcolm Stiles,
Christa Cannon as Lady Catherine Stiles, Tom Place as Young Henry Stiles, and Kevin Cunningham as Judge Macklay. We will be shooting in the Louviers Village
Clubhouse in Louviers (south of Highlands Ranch) in Douglas County (and owned by Douglas County).
Completion of these 3 days will mean that we have approximately 25% of the movie captured. We hope to schedule the rest very soon.
3/14/2010 -- Production will restart on The Highwayman in late April. Lots of stuff going on behind the scenes. Details coming soon.
2/6/2010 -- The cast of The Highwayman are so busy that it is hard to keep up with them. This morning I found out that the February issue of
ColoradoBiz Magazine has an article featuring
Competition Headwear, one of the sponsors of The Highwayman (They provided us with much fabric for our costumes.) and the family business
of June Polner who plays Anne Stiles. Don Kraus (Lord Shafton) is currently featured in
"The Moving of Lilla Barton" at the Bas Blaus Theatre. Tim Englert (Nathaniel Cole) is starring in "A Rose to the End of Time" at Brooks Center Mainstage Theatre in Denver.
Richard O'Brien Moore (Henry Stiles) is playing Daddy Warbucks in "Annie" at the Carousel Dinner Theatre
in Fort Collins. Adrian Hart (Tim the Ostler) is featured in "Moon over Buffalo" in Parker this weekend and next.
And Andy Hankins will be appearing with the rest of the Nacho Men at
"Project Safeguard's Valentine's Day Fling."
2/3/2010 -- There are some Highwayman photos up on indieproducer.net and
FilmCommunity.com, not all of them but more will go up later. We will be putting some pictures up on
IMDb soon. Hope to be taking more soon as well. I think I am making some headway with the funding. Hope to have news by the end of next week.
1/28/2010 -- Those of you with I-phones or other web-enabled phones can now aim your device at The Highwayman's mobile site:
m.thehighwaymanmovie.com which has simplified pages and menus appropriate for mobile use. It gives you easy access on-the-go to the cast list, the crew list,
some photos and phone-compatible versions of some of the video clips (via Youtube).
1/16/2010 -- A new year and new beginnings.... Always some cleaning and organizing necessary at the beginning of the year.
W-2s and 1099s will be going out to cast and crew next week for the shoots and other work in 2009. (Actors really have no idea
how much work is necessary behind the scenes to make their part of it possible and to promote their work.) .... Scouting a couple new locations....
The Highwayman was mentioned in a Blog
by Fourteener Films this morning....Hope to have some other news next week.
12/16/2009 -- As many of you know Christa Cannon (Lady Catherine Stiles) snuck off to the Punjab region of India to shoot Chhevan Dariya (The Sixth River) after The Highwayman shoot at the Governor's mansion.
She's back and just completed a a podcast interview with Tongue and Axe. It is a lot of fun. Trygve, Macleish
and I were in Santa Monica, California from November 2nd through 14th at the American Film Market. 2009 was a lousy year for films sales but AFM
made it clear that things are picking up. We brought along production stills from The Highwayman and they were favorably received. More news in January
about future shoots.
11/16/2009 -- Pick up the November issue of Denver Magazine. P. 22 has an article
that is mostly about film incentives but features two pictures from filming of The Highwayman. (We just returned from the American Film Market. More news when
the dust settles.)
10/15/2009 -- Interview with Don Kraus about the movie on Tongue & Axe podcast.
10/10/2009 -- Found another article about The Highwayman on Digital Cinema Report:
"Making The Highwayman." It looks like it came out September 15, but I didn't see it until today. There is a podcast interview with Don Kraus coming out on
Tuesday October 12th on Tongue & Axe. We are doing a panel at MileHiCon at noon on October 24th.
An article is supposed to be in the November issue of Denver Magazine as well. So keep
an eye out for that in a few weeks.
Producer Darlene Cypser and Director Trygve Lode are very busy right now preparing for the
American Film Market November 4-11 in Santa Monica, Califrnia where they meet with
distributors from all over the world. Macleish Day will be joining them to promote The Highwayman at AFM and
AFI FEST in Hollywood.
9/21/2009 -- We are pleased to announce that Martin Kove (Karate Kid) has joined the cast of The Highwayman. 2nd unit shot a scene with Martin Kove and Macleish on
September 21st. Pictures will be up in a few days.
Thanks for these pictures as well as the ones you'll be sending along.
It was a pleasure working with you and your crew. Everyone was very
respectful of the property and that's greatly appreciated. And thanks
for the part as an extra. I know it's pretty likely it won't wind up in
the final cut, but it was still a fun experience.
James Finnerty
Residence Director
Colorado Governor's Residence
8/22/2009 -- We are very busy preparing for start of production. We will be shooting 4 scenes in the Colorado Governor's mansion on September 4, 6 & 7.
Several crew members scouted the location again on the 13th and the producer, director and assistant director met on Friday the 21st
to review schedules and logistics. Still many details to be taken care of before call time but that's the way the business goes.
Thanks to the all who have been helping promote the movie on Facebook and other places. Some news media are
interested in covering the filming at the governor's residence. More details on that later.
8/6/2009 -- We will begin principal photography on The Highwayman over Labor Day weekend at The Governor's mansion. We are filming the death of Lord Shafton over night
Friday September 4th. On Sunday and Monday September 5 and 6, we will film the meetings between Lord Shafton, Magistrate Quentin and Lt. Cardwell. We will also shoot the flashback scene
of the arrest of Sir Malcolm Stiles.
We have a blog at highwaymanblog.html. I've embedded it on one of the website pages mostly so fans can post comments. You don't have to
have a Blogger account to read it or post comments, but comments are moderated and won't show up until approved.
Colorado Motion Pictures Fundraising Auction: I'm having trouble finding a suitable venue for this. We do have certificates for goods and services which have been donated
by Holiday Inn in Lakewood, Colorado, Sporting News Grill and
The Audio Coalition to be auctioned off.
More details when I have a venue and a date.
7/23/2009 -- We are going to begin principal photography on The Highwayman over Labor Day weekend at The Governor's mansion. A Westword blog has already picked up on the shoot.
Colorado Motion Pictures Fundraising Auction: We are organizing a fundraising auction in conjunction with three other movies in various stages of production.
The movies participating are The Highwayman, Gathering of Heroes: Legend of the Seven Swords, Section B and Logic of Being.
Currently the date and time for the auction are set for August 20th at 6:30 pm but we are awaiting approval from the venue. We will post a list online of items being auctioned
after we receive approval from the venue. Admission to the event is free. We hope everyone will attend to support Colorado film!
7/8/2009 -- Macleish Day -- our Highwayman -- will be featured in Colorado Light Opera's productions of Anything Goes and Oklahoma! beginning Friday July 10th. Tickets are going fast!
Macleish also recently recorded a dramatic reading of The Highwayman poemin the dialect to be used in the movie,
which we then illustrated with pieces of video from the promo trailer and our English footage and stills of some of the actors in costume. Check it out.
We are plotting a promotional event for The Highwayman and several other local movies. Details soon.
Work has begun on the portable cottage set for the feature. We could still use some used paneling or scraps of thin plywood.
6/19/2009 -- Timothy Englert -- our Nathaniel Cole -- received a good review of his current production Red Herring in today's Daily Camera:
"Timothy Englert, as the aging actor Theo,
hits the best notes throughout, a combination of bravado that's seen better days and bluriness born of self-absorption. He's delightfully full of himself."
Congratulations Tim!
6/14/2009 -- Biographies: Check out the new cast and crew biographies on the webpages. More to come.
Script Read-through is scheduled for July 14th.
Props/Sets: A number of 2x4s have been donated for set building. Some other props have been purchased. We will be meeting this week with some potential sponsors who
may donate/loan furniture and props for the tavern and farm scenes.
Sponsorships: We have been approached by some potential sponsors but there is plenty of room for more!
Locations: Scouted exteriors in the Belcaro neighborhood, including Phipps Mansion and nearby houses, the Circle Drive area near University Boulevard, Parkside Mansion
(not useable), and Richtofen Castle (too creepy) for exteriors for Lord Stafton's house and the Magistrate's house.
6/2/2009 -- May Activities: May started with the DAR event in Boulder but also saw the purchase of the chest to hold Will Stiles' "legacy,"
creation of the insert in the box that holds the dueling pistols, the design of the cottage set, changes to the Highwayman's coat and jabot,
a new waistcoat for Jake, new shoes and stockings for several characters, a new ink well for Will, partial refinishing of a small table,
the writing, design, printing and mailing of the sponsorship packets and revision of the sponsor-related webpages, meeting at Boettcher Mansion,
planning and promoting of the extras casting on May 31st.
June Activities: Nancy and Trygve will be going over the breakdowns (lists of props, costumes, set dressings, etc. needed for each scene) from
the script later this month. That will allow us to refine our lists of those items that need to be donated, purchased or constructed in June and July.
Ed Done (DP) will also be reviewing the footage shot last August and the footage shot in Hampshire England in March later this month. Then we can
discuss what can be used for the feature itself and what we would like to match. We also will be scouting and re-scouting several locations,
including an exterior for Lord Shafton's house, a long hallway to kill people in, and farm locations.
Extras Casting: We need about 20-40 more extras to flesh out the tavern scenes, the court scene and the job hunt scene. If you have any friends
or relatives who may be interested, please let us know. Anyone who has done any renaissance role playing or 18th century re-enacting they
can easily use bits from those costumes to make a suitable background costume for an extra. Details of what we are looking for can be found at:
Sponsorships: We have set up a process by which businesses or individuals can become sponsors of the movie. We are also open to other variations on sponsorships.
Sponsorships are nothing new. They help fund broadcast and cable television, theater presentations, sporting events, concerts, and many non-profit events
and activities. The financial contributions of sponsors can be very useful in assuring that The Highwayman will be of the
finest quality and that it will receive the widest distribution in all possible venues and formats. We also see sponsorships as a way for others to become
involved in the process, whether they are intrigued by the idea of spending a day on an active movie set or want us to help promote their own business.
They may not have time or a desire to be an extra, but for a small fee they can be a part of The Highwayman. More information can be found at:
How to Become a Sponsor.
5/12/2009 -- Casting for Extras for The Highwayman
We will be casting for a pool of about 100 extras for The Highwayman which will be shot in August and September 2009.
CASTING DAY: Sunday May 31, 2009
CASTING TIME: 11 am until we throw you all out
CASTING PLACE: 6529 Lakeside Circle, Littleton, CO 80125
4/22/2009 -- Thanks to Mark Wyss of Highlands Ranch for donating 2 artificial Christmas trees to our greenery collection which is going to be used to
mask the view of modern downtown Denver outside the windows of the Governor's mansion. That connection was made through Freecycle -- a great resource to take advantage of this Earth Day,
and every day. Macleish Day has set up a promotional event for The Highwayman with the
Arapahoe Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution in Boulder on May 6th.
Our director, Trygve Lode, will have surgery on his right shoulder on April 30th. Thanks for your continued support and patience. More news, etc. when we get a chance.
3/30/2009 -- We've been hard at work behind the scenes since Opus Fest scouting locations, making adjustments to costumes and arranging for other promotional events.
More news and photos soon.
3/12/2009 -- Opus Fest: I want to remind all of you that we are promoting The Highwayman at Opus Fest at the Red Bull Hotel on Friday March 13th, Saturday March 14th, and March 15th at 4040 Quebec Street, Denver. We will be in the Main Events Room from 12:30 pm to 2:30 pm on Saturday March 14th showing the trailer, answering questions, talking about the movie and putting on some short scenes from the movie. Several of our cast members shall be in attendance at Opus Fest in costume throughout Friday, Saturday and Sunday. We will also be signing up volunteers who would like to be extras in the movie.
English Footage: Our official English farm footage arrived today. It was shot specifically for us in Hampshire England on a RED HD camera the first week of March. This will help give The Highwayman a more authentic look. I will be examining it to determine how best we can use it.
Music: I have been talking with a local Celtic acappella group about singing some English drinking songs in our tavern and they are very excited about it.
Locations: I have spoken with the Colorado Film Commission about some of our problems finding some locations. Their location specialist sent out our wish list to her contacts and we have been getting suggestions from all over the state.
Principal Photography: We will begin final rehearsals and production meetings starting on August 8th and principal photography on August 15th.
3/9/09 -- There are two new photo galleries up with some of the pictures from the costume, make up and hair tests -- which went very well. We also now have a
"press room." Not a lot of furnishings there yet. Just a couple press releases and a few pictures. We will be adding to it.
Don't forget that OPUS FEST is this coming weekend.
2/24/09 -- OPUS FEST has shifted our main presentation to 12:30 pm on March 14th with set up
at 12:00 noon but some of us will be there all day.
COSTUMES & WIGS: Most of the cast should have heard from Nancy Snyder, our AD, by now about the costume, make up and hair sessions
on March 3, 4, 5. Please get back to her as soon as you know your schedule. If you are having a problem fitting into those hours, let us know. We might be able to
arrange something. Lorraine Altamura is flying back from New York for those 3 days to set up the hair and makeup for the rest of the cast and to train local make up and hair people
in the looks we establish.
ENGLISH STOCK FOOTAGE: A film company in England is going to shoot some Hampshire farm footage for us early next week which we will use throughout the movie to improve
the authenticity of the look of it.
2/8/09 --
Opus Fest: We have been invited to participate in Opus Fest, a Denver fantasy convention. Opus Fest in the weekend of March 13-15.
It is being held at the Red Lion Hotel at 4040 Quebec Street in Denver. Our main presentation will be on Saturday March 14th,
but cast and crew members will be in attendance in costume throughout Opus Fest and will be participating in some of the panels and other events.
We will be screening The Highwayman promo trailer, having a question and answer session and some live performances. We will also have a table in the hall for meeting and
greeting Highwayman cast and crew throughout the weekend. For more information about Opus Fest visit their website: www.opusfest.com
OnLocation: A public access show about Colorado productions wants to cover filming of The Highwayman.
CONTRACTS -- Employment contracts are going out to cast and crew this week.
CREW -- I have negotiated terms with our DP and gotten his recommendations for Gaffer and AC. We have chosen our AD and
will be talking with a Production Manager this coming week. We will be interviewing and signing up other crew people shortly.
I would prefer not to give out names until we have signed contracts with them. I will tell you that we are assembling a first class production team with many years of experience.
WANTED -- There are some things that we need for the movie. Call or e-mail me if you would like to donate any of the following or know some who would (or you see them in a dumpster):
Greenery -- Old artificial Christmas trees or other artificial plants - We need them to cover the outside of windows to hide other buildings in the areas, especially at downtown locations. The greenery may come in useful for other sets as well.
Tapestries, swags, ornamental ropes, sconces, small paintings -- Most especially of rococo or colonial styles, but older styles would work as well.
An old stone or wood cottage or cabin -- The interior does not have to be usable. If we can use the exterior, we could shoot the interiors on a set.
Old wagons and carriages
Old farm tools - old style iron rakes, shovels itch forks, horse harnesses, etc., riding crop. Also dried hay, wheat, and other grain both on the stalk and off.
Old cedar chest or trunk - It must be capable of fitting a 48 inch sword and other things in it. Warning: Don't offer one that you want to keep nice. Even when film crews try to be gentle, props can get banged around in the packing into trucks, the hauling and the unpacking. We don't want to damage your precious heirlooms.
Tavern props – Old ale, whiskey or wine casks, barrels, and bottles, pewter and glass mugs, metal or wooden trays. Old tables and chairs, especially round ones..
2/2/09 -- Congratulations to Competition Headwear for being named to CoBiz's list of
Colorado Top 50 Family Owned Businesses. The Highwayman is proud to have Competition Headwear as a sponsor.
1/15/09 -- The long promised promo trailer is now online. Check it out on the video page. The soundtrack was scored by Joel Plimmer.
1/8/09 -- On January 3rd Bob Berg began editing the promo footage shot back in August. We worked at in for 7 hours that day and then
came back for 6 more hours on January 6th. On the 6th we also brought Macleish into the studio to shoot a piece for the end of the promo trailer. Macleish
and Trygve also recorded some voice over lines to be dropped into the footage we had edited. On January 9th Bob and I will return to the editing suite at
Asgard Entertainment to insert those pieces and make the final tweaks. We have a rehearsal scheduled on January 12th with Henry Stiles, Will Stiles, Anne Stiles and Nathaniel.
Later in the week we will be meeting with potential investors.
1/3/09 -- Check out the new photo albums which include pictures of some of the locations and of the progress editing the promo trailer.
1/1/09 -- Exciting things are happening as the New Year begins:
Location, location, location -- Tuesday we (Director, Trygve Lode, Director of Photography, Ed Done, 2nd Unit Director (and an expert on stunts and physical effects),
Mark Grove, 2nd Unit DP and Digital FX coordinator, Jon Firestone, and myself, producer Darlene Cypser) met with the director of a prominent Denver landmark about shooting scenes for Lord Shafton's house there.
The space is gorgeous and perfect for the period. The meeting went very well. We are also fairly certain of the location of the tavern and some other scenes in the movie.
I recently discovered another place which may help us with some of the farm locations. We will be visiting these locations in the next couple of weeks.
Promo footage -- Monday we met with Bob Berg about having him edit the promo footage shot back in August. We will meet with him again on Saturday morning. I hope to have that
edited shortly. It was delayed by the numerous delays in releasing the RED software plug-in to Adobe Premiere which was released shortly before Christmas. The purpose of
this footage is to encourage investment and sponsorship of this movie to improve the quality of the final result.
Costumes -- On Sunday June and Rachel Polner and I sat down for a few hours and sewed the rest of the buttons on Lord Shafton's costume and the last of the soldier's
uniforms. I am still waiting on a couple costumes that were started back in October. I have been told that they were finished but I have been unable to see them. An
additional waistcoat and coat for Will Stiles should be finished next week. We have decided that we need a night shirt and an ornate dressing gown for Lord Shafton. So we
need to hunt those down.
Scheduling -- Thanks to everyone in the cast and crew who created a Google calendar and shared it with ifilm@infernofilm.com. It makes my life so much easier.
(That means that scheduling is a smaller nightmare.) I've been trying to set up rehearsals for January but not everyone is back from the holidays yet. I hope to
have enough scheduling information to do so in a few days. I am trying to juggle the schedule of the cast, the crew, the equipment and the locations to figure out
shooting schedules. I think I need to borrow some time on NCAR's supercomputer.
Crew -- I have been receiving resumes for a number of crew positions and have interviewed some of them. Decisions will be forthcoming in January.
Website -- There have been a number of changes to the website recently. More will be coming. You should keep an eye on the
Site Map because that's additional pages tend to appear first. The two most recent pages are the
Highwayman Buttons and Banners page for those who might want to use some of
our graphics to link from their website to ours, and the Production Details or the
voyeurs out there who want to peak under the hood. Additional banners in other shapes will be added later. The Production Detail page
provides you with links to pages on the webserver that were previously hidden. Those links will take you to the resources list which
was used to develop the costumes and the props for the movie, and to the locations notes. There is also a link to the Google calendars
so you can see into my scheduling nightmare. Another recent addition to the website is the flintlock links between the photo album pages.
If you are using Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome or Safari on a regular computer, the guns will fire when you put your mouse over them.
(It does not work in mobile devices like phones or Ipods.)
12/14/08 -- I suppose I should create a trivia page, but for now here is a piece: Each of the icons on the menu bar represents a person, place or thing in the movie in the order
they are first seen. The first one is the Stile's farmhouse, the 2nd the inn, the 3rd Lord Shafton's carriage, the 4th Nathaniel's cottage where Anne and Will stay, the 5th the woods
where Will and Bess "talk," the 6th the mill where one of the robberies takes place, the 7th Lord Shafton's house and the 8th the soldiers. The ghost horse is, of course, the Highwayman.
That came from a photograph of Vic (doubling for Macleish) riding Lisbon. Most of the rest were processed from clip art. One came from a photograph of a building in Denver. Which
building is it? (Hint: You can find the answer in the locations notes.)
12/9/08 -- There are some new pictures up: Sir Malcolm's Arrest. Lord Shafton's costume will be ready next week.
T. David Rutherford is current assisting with scouting locations in Colorado Springs and the Denver Metro area. Tomorrow Tim Englert and I are going to take
a look at cemeteries near Franktown. With the holidays coming fast upon us we are now aiming at starting shooting interiors in January.
11/27/08 -- We are still collecting costumes and props for The Highwayman and will have some dress rehearsals soon. It is taking a while to contact the costumers and
collect the costumes that were supposed to be ready by November 15th. The Highwayman now has a store at Cafe Press containing promotion items featuring characters and
images from the movie. View samples of the products available. More changes for the website are coming including a new background,
new effects, new pages, and downloadable buttons and banners.
10/21/08 - After much deliberation the verdict is in: We have cast Richard Moore as Henry Stiles. Costuming and rehearsals are continuing. Magistrate Quentin's costume has arrived.
Bess' new dress is in. Lord Shafton's costume is in process. Soldier's uniforms should be complete by tomorrow. Breaches and waistcoats for Jake, Tom Lindsey and Tim on in process.
UPS is bringing the muskets tonight. But buttons! buttons! We need more buttons!
10/12/08 - Great News! We have found our Nathaniel! Timothy Englert is joining us as Nathaniel Cole. We are still contemplating a few prospects for Henry and have not made up our minds yet.
Rehearsals for the Stiles group, the Inn group and the Conspirators went really well. There have been huge improvements in dialect and character development from everyone. The characters are
now properly reacting to each other and interacting with each other. The different personalities are shining forth and the actors are now properly stomping on each others' lines when appropriate.
10/10/08 - If we are negligent in our correspondence, it is not from lack of news, but rather from the lack of time within which to pen it. The days, now growing shorter,
never seemed long enough before. Even as we wander about like some Grecian sage seeking our Henry Stiles and Nathaniel Cole, we press onward in the accumulation of proper attire and accoutrements.
The soldiers' uniforms are nearly complete. Today their hats arrived and soon they will armed as well... a mighty force to send after a single young man. Magistrate Quentin's costume
will be delivered on Sunday so that he may be attired less like an Emperor and more like his arrogant self. Waistcoats and dresses arrived this week and young George Lindsey will have
his new breeches on Monday. We also have hopes of delivering to you soon a small sample of what they call moving pictures.
10/4/08 - Jon Firestone (former Starship Trooper) will be taking the King's (George II) shilling and joining our troop of Redcoats. John Neal will replace Eric Fry as the Samuel Wilfram, the miller.
9/27/08 - We have recruited 7 more costumers to outfit the cast.
9/13/2008 - We are pleased to announced the casting of 17 additional actors for The Highwayman. Joining us are:
Tom Doyle, June Polner, Don Kraus, Adrian Hart, Benjamin Kroger, T. David Rutherford, Steve Austin, Eric Fry, Andy Hankins, Michael Kempton,
Kevin Cunningham, Mike Ballard, Kristen Keating, Mark Grove, Justin McQueede, Scott Sheely and Brian Cahill.
Visit the cast page for more information about them.